I Think A Lot About Those Thirty Citizens of India
Mysuru Today
"I think a lot about those thirty citizens of India who, it's said, could live on the average American's stuff. I wonder if I could build a life of contentment on their material lot, and then I look around my house and wonder what they'd make of mine. My closet would clothe more than half of them, and my books - good Lord - could open a library branch in New Delhi. Our family's musical instruments would outfit an entire (if very weird) village band, featuring electric guitars, violin, eclectic percussion section, and a really dusty clarinet. We have more stuff than we need; there is no question of our being perfect. I'm not even sure what "perfect" means in this discussion. I'm not trying to persuade my family to evaporate and live on air. We're here, we're alive, it's the only one we get, as far as I know, so I am keenly inclined to take hold of life by its huevos. As a dinner guest I gratefully eat just about anything that's set before me, because graciousness among friends is dearer to me than any other agenda. I'm not up for a guilt trip, just an adventure in bearable lightness. I approach our efforts at simplicity as a novice approaches her order, aspiring to a lifetime of deepening understanding, discipline, serenity, and joy. Likening voluntary simplicity to a religion is neither hyperbole nor sacrilege. Where I look for evil I'm more likely to see degradations of human and natural life, an immoral gap between rich and poor, a ravaged earth. At the root of these I see greed and overconsumption by the powerful minority. I was born to that caste, but I can aspire to waste not and want less." - Barbara Kingsolver: Small Wonder
Barbara Kingsolver is an American author known for her observant, impassioned work and for her hopeful examination of the world, the people we seem to be, and what we might yet make of ourselves. Whether she is contemplating the Grand Canyon, her vegetable garden, motherhood, genetic engineering, or the future of a nation founded on the best of human impulses, her belief is that our largest problems have grown from the earth's remotest corners as well as our own backyards, and that the answers may lie in both places.
She attributes her insight in part to involvement within her community, being an avid reader on a wide range of subjects, and her travels to different parts of the world.
Travel is powerful. It has the ability to change the way we view the world, the way we treat others, and the way we choose to walk within our local community, our own home, and beyond.
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Source: An excerpt from Small Wonder Essays by Barbara Kingsolver