Why gifting travel is the absolute best!!


Why gifting travel is the absolute best!!

We all know how daunting gift giving can be. If you’re anything like me, every year you wait until the last minute, get stuck in the mall madness, and come out with a mediocre gift. Well what if I told you that I have the solution for you?  Why not gift the people you care about the most travel this year?! Here’s 5 reasons why gifting travel is a great idea:

  1. Travel is a gift that some people will never buy for themselves. It can be expensive, and definitely takes some time to plan. It’s no secret that we all could benefit from “treatin’ ourselves” And it’s very rare that you go one day without scrolling through instagram or reading an article or two about “self care”. It’s pretty clear sometimes we aren’t very good at taking this advice. So, why not force your hardworking sister to take a break and check that bucket list item off her list. It may take a little convincing but who doesn’t want to leave their busy life behind to explore an unknown place. Something tells me your friend or family member will be extremely grateful.

  2. Yes, I know in a world full of technology most of our loved ones are dying to get their hands on the latest “idroid” or “androphone”.  But by gifting them with a trip you are guaranteeing a set of memories that will last a lifetime. Money can’t buy the overwhelming emotion you get when seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris for the first time, or tasting the most amazing, homemade mole in mexico. While traveling even little memories like a crazy tuk tuk ride in Guatemala, or a mishap with luggage turn out to be unforgettable. I can’t remember gifts my mother gave me as a teenager, but I sure as heck will never forget the time she took my family to Disneyland when I was 10. Gift memories not things!

  3. Gifting a trip to someone is actually gifting education. Traveling teaches us to go with the flow, promotes open mindedness towards others’ cultures, and encourages you to challenge yourself. When in a new place, you act differently and you become empowered to try new things. Things you may have never thought you’d try. Scorpions and sky diving might suddenly feel less scary and more thrilling when visiting another country. Traveling, and experiencing the way other people live, can in turn change your whole life.

  4. If you’re reading this article you might have a slight interest in travel yourself. Am I right? Well why not gift someone with travel you love spending time with so that you can travel TOGETHER. As a world traveler there is nothing I love more than sharing my love of travel with my friends and family! It’s really a two for one gift if you get to witness a life changing travel experience right in front of your eyes. Plus amazing food always tastes better when shared with someone you care for. Also, “they” do say that if you want to see who someone truly is, travel with them. Good luck with that one!

  5. The best part about gifting travel to me, is that there’s no one size fits all! It is such a unique and personalized gift. Imagine setting up a trip to a place your niece had learned about in school, and dreamt of going. Or personalizing a trip to fit exactly what your person loves to do, each and every step along the way. The options are endless and I can’t think of a more thoughtful gift!

If you procrastinated this past year, and need a last minute gift idea, look no further... Venture Road is here to help! Gift your favorite person (or people) with an all exclusive 5- week educational trip that includes transportation, lodging with a local family, meals, excursions and personal and professional workshops based on their interests! Contact us today for more information! See you on the Road!

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“Why gifting travel is the absolute best!!” was written by Jillian Salazar

Jillian Salazar is an avid traveler from Colorado, USA. She studied abroad in Madrid, Spain and discovered that being on the road long term was definitely for her. In early 2017, she dropped everything, left Denver, and has now been traveling consistently for about a year and a half. Her goal is to show at risk youth, that traveling is an option regardless of where you come from. In October, she will be embarking on her biggest adventure to date- The 500 mile Camino de Santiago. You are welcomed to follow her travels on her personal blog @ ajillianmiles.com.

Isaiah McGregory